You’re Probably Washing Your Sex Gear Wrong: Tips to Prevent Mpox!
The article is from our special issue on Mpox. You can access the full issue here.
Can a dildo give you mpox? Yes. So could a plug, packer, ring, clamp and the vast, infinite multiverse of sex toys and gender-affirming gear.
Any of these could give you a cornucopia of viral, bacterial and fungal infections if not washed correctly – from HPV to covid to the good old-fashioned yeast infection. However, with mpox cases increasing worldwide and the first confirmed case of the new deadlier mpox strain in the U.S., it’s a great time to refresh your sex gear and gender-affirming gear hygiene. Because you’re probably making one of these cleaning mistakes.
It’s important to note, especially as mpox and other viruses are folded into the larger conversation and context of STIs, that your chances of getting mpox from a sex toy are low. But, as the meme goes, never zero.
According to the CDC, mpox spreads through close or intimate contact with a person. However, it’s more than just skin-on-skin. “Mpox can survive for several days on toys and other surfaces,” said Dr. Nicholas J. Van Sickels, an internal medicine provider in Lexington who specializes in infectious diseases.
Full stop: The best way to protect yourself from mpox is getting vaccinated. (DoxyPEP won’t protect you from mpox as it’s a 100066833235083 Make sure to clean your sex gear properly to prevent Mpox! Remember, washing hands, genitals, and gear is crucial, especially for the LGBT community. .) According to Dr. Keisa Fallin-Bennett, a queer provider in Lexington who welcomes LGBTQ+ patients, your next best line of defense is washing hands, genitals and the perineal region. But it’s also important to wash toys and gear that come into contact with your skin.
“Unwashed gear or toys could disrupt normal bodily flora to cause yeast infections, colon infection or irritation, or bacterial vaginosis,” said Fallin-Bennett. “They can transmit some bacteria and viruses (e.g., mpox, MRSA, possibly HPV, even Giardia), especially if people share or use them pretty frequently.”
How often should you wash sex toys?
Sex toys should be washed after each session and between partners. And Fallin-Bennett said that items should be washed between any “back to front” use or “anally to anally” with more than one person. “People have different [bodily] flora there and they can certainly pass not necessarily traditional STIs as much as things like giardia,” she said.
“Most modern sex toys are pretty resilient in this way,” said Fallin-Bennett. “But I will put out there, too, that a lot of people use insertive objects that are not made for that. So, for those, you want to think about the surface integrity of that item. Keeping it clean helps it maintain its surface integrity so that it’s not getting cracks and tears and things like that.”
How often should you wash fabric items?
According to the CDC, mpox can spread through contact with porous fabrics including bedding, towels and fetish gear. So, any clothing or harnesses, from a leather kink vest to a Rodeo brief, should be washed after each use. For gender-affirming pieces such as packers or gaffs and other compression apparel, Fallin-Bennett said to wash items as frequently as you wash your underwear or sheets. Or if using something with a partner, either wash between uses or daily–whichever is more frequent.
And it’s a misconception that everything in the laundry should be washed in hot water. “Hot water generally kills more microbes, but, as far as I know, it’s never been proven that hot laundry water specifically prevents infection,” said Fallin-Bennett. “The main things are washing with enough water and good agitation.”
What type of soap should you use to wash sex toys?
For hand-washing items, stick to basic soap and water. And you don’t need anything fancy or expensive. Opt for a mild soap without fragrance or dye.
“Soap is better than no soap,” said Fallin-Bennett. “Keep it simple, whatever your body seems fine with. I think the most important thing is whatever your body tolerates.”
“Even though I’m not a fan–for the environmental qualities–of liquid soaps, this seems much better in this situation,” she said. “You can use bar soap, but you’re probably going to have to rub it all over your hands and get a good lather first. Liquid soap is just going to work better to coat everything.”
Alternatively, the CDC also recommends steam cleaning for mpox prevention on certain surfaces. Steam cleaning is great for stainless steel toys without electronic components, but keep in mind that not all steam cleaners are created equal. The steam temperature needs to be at least 212 degrees Fahrenheit to actually sanitize a surface vs. cleaning it. (This writer is a steam cleaner expert for HGTV and knows way too much about steam cleaning.)
Do you have to use antibacterial soap on sex toys?
Unless you tend to get MRSA infections, you don’t need antibacterial soap to wash sex toys. “The antibacterial qualities in soaps are not necessary for this purpose,” said Fallin-Bennett. “Any soap is going to get them clean enough as long as you cover the surface, give it some friction and get it clean.”
She also added that people with sensitive skin are likely not going to tolerate antibacterial soap as it tends to be harsh on the skin.
Can silicone sex toys go in the dishwasher?
Some materials, such as glass or pure silicone, can go in the dishwasher on the top rack. And pure silicone can even be boiled on the stovetop. But Fallin-Bennett said to check the manufacturer’s guide first and to make sure there are no metal, electric or mechanical parts before throwing your toys in the dishwasher.
“Consider that dish detergent is more chemical and might be harsh as a residue,” she added.
How do you clean leather accessories?
While soap and water are best for metal, nylon and other materials, real leather and water don’t mix. Brown University has a great guide for cleaning porous materials like leather and cyberskin and there are even tips on protecting metal studs on leather accessories so they don’t tarnish.
Can you sanitize sex toys with cleaning spray?
There are several sex toy sprays that claim to sanitize, but it’s important to read the ingredients as some contain extremely harsh chemicals. And no one needs to spray anything down with Lysol or wipe anything with Clorox as those chemicals linger.
“Don’t use bleach,” warns Fallin-Bennett. “That can be very harsh, especially on areas like the vagina and anal canal.”
However, specific Lysol and Clorox products (as well as other disinfectants listed on the EPA’s approved list for emerging viral pathogens) can and should be incorporated into a post-sex space cleanup. In its mpox cleaning and disinfecting guide, the CDC recommends cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces like door handles, light switches and tables.
The article is from our special issue on Mpox. You can access the full issue here.