StarGazing with Tigresse Bleu
Planetary Placements for Nov:
Nov. 8th – Venus enters Libra
Nov 10th- Mercury enters Sagittarius
Nov. 13th- New Moon in 20° Scorpio
Nov. 22nd- Sun enters Sagittarius
Nov. 24th- Mars enters Sagittarius
Nov. 27th- Full Moon in 4° Gemini
This is an ocean we don’t mind sinking into. Our emotions have swelled and there could be a tendency to feel “lost at sea” but that is exactly what captivates us.
We are drawn to the waves of mystique.
There is a new adventure that awaits us after the tower moments that were last month’s eclipse season. While there may have been doors that we have closed, we have done our mourning and accepted our fate. We are fully invested in the new opportunities and ideas that have presented themselves. It is invigorating. An icy bath that has reawakened us, re-freshened our memory of who we are and what it is we are here for.
So we set off, trying our best to gain our sealegs, unprepared for what’s ahead but excitedly, perhaps in some cases even foolishly, ready to take it all on.
On the 8th, we have Venus taking its rightful throne in the sky as it enters Libra. Venus and Libra energies can work together like no other. They bring out the best in one another. Underneath this placement, we take delight in beauty, art, and connection. Our romantic sensibilities are highlighted, our sensuality prioritized, and our loved ones cherished.
We are enhancing and sweetening the deals that we’ve made with the people close to us, reminding them why they chose us in the first place. A reminder to us all of how great things can be when it’s copacetic and cohesive even if there are obvious differences. It is still art. A pretty little painting that we have co-created.
The hyperfixation of these elements in our lives are emboldening us to reach into the depths of our heart space. Finding safety and solace in confiding in others, in finding our “team” or a network of colorful people where we can play around with ideas and express our creativity is important to us as a collective.
We want joy. We want peace. We want harmony in a world of detrimental discord.
We may choose to sing sweet songs of cooperativeness instead of quarreling, opting to lay down our swords.
Brashness is a turn off. Disarray scratches our brain like nails on a chalkboard. Being untactful or rude will get you nowhere as we beam “love and light” but this is still the sign of Libra we are talking about. The desire to speak the truth and to do “the right thing” will always be prevalent. Even more so as Mercury makes its way into Sagittarius on the 10th.
Excitable and venturesome, Sagittarius energy can be hard to keep up with. There is a lack of tact as it rolls and tumbles on to the next path. They are unfiltered. Less than impeccable but still potent. No dilution allowed.
Don’t be surprised with the eruption of friendly or even heated debates. Within Mercury’s influence, we are expansive with ideas flowing into another and then another. On the horizon is a plethora of possibilities and we are open minded enough to seek them all. We have a vision. We are unafraid to ask questions and probe around for answers as if it’s a sport.
There is an innerstanding of how vast life is, how many variables there are. The desire to count nothing out which could make it difficult to focus on one idea or one project. Eagerly we are charging ahead, wanting to conquer new territory. Claim space. Kick ass. Take names and in this moment the world feels like our oyster. There could also be a tendency to sprinkle a little something “extra” into everything we do or say.
Embellishment is an artform. Humor is a cure.
Like all mutable signs, there is a magician-like quality to Sagittarius and it can trick and create great illusions that may or may not work out. There may be a need to be aware of where we are headed because while the gusto is intoxicating, there is the potential to drown in the fantasy we have created and get too lost in the proverbial sauce.
But still, like an angel, Sagittarius’ energy somehow saves and uplifts the situation. It effortlessly flips an unfortunate circumstance on its head and then calls it a day. There’s always a silver lining, a punchline at the end of the joke that is life. This is an opportunity to see the light in our situations even through the hardest of hurdles.
To smile in the face of misery.
On the 13th the moon shifts into Scorpio, continuing this daring attitude. We challenge ourselves to traverse even the deepest of oceans, reminding ourselves of our limitless potential and uncovering all that is veiled. Scorpio rules over debt, inheritances, sex, taboos, power and influence, and death so you may notice a change surrounding some of those themes. For more info on how this new moon will affect you click here.
Then the Sun will then begin to shine its light in the constellation of The Archer aka good ol Sagittarius on the 22nd.
This is the last soireé before we reach into the subtle sullenness that is Capricorn season. Sag season somehow brings an enjoyable atmosphere to even the most philosophical or esoteric topics and is a perfect boost towards accomplishing new goals and hobbies. Persuasion becomes a skill as words appear to hold more weight regardless if they actually do. It is really the enthusiasm that draws people in and gets them on our team.
During this time we could find ourselves musing over theoretics, mentally going down the rabbit hole which can lead us to some interesting new ideas or beliefs. We are reassessing what exactly it is that we claim to believe in and where our loyalty lies, mainly within the realm of religion or spirituality. As we focus in, there could be major realizations or shifts in around these topics which can be intimidating to some. It’s not easy to either realize that what you’ve been taught doesn’t resonate any longer or that maybe there is beauty in a belief that you used to shun but life is an ever evolving escapade.
You are forever free to change your mind.
Mars will then shift into Sagittarius on the 24th which will only add fuel to this fire. Although the tarot card The Fool has no Sagittarius ties directly, I feel that this card represents this energy well. There is a naivety yet a strong inner knowing that you are exactly where you need to be. Just like The Fool, Sagittarius leaps and bounds. It is fresh. It is blazing, it is reckless and sometimes careless, always searching for passion and possibilities.
Here, we can feel truly free. Bare it all and be as bright as the sun.
The magic of this energy makes the air feel rich and a magnificence caresses our senses. We are surrounded by it and everything feels seemingly so simple. We go after the things we want at this time, even at great costs. But there is not much concern as there as nothing that would be of greater cost than to do nothing at all.
Closing our November we have the Beaver Full Moon in luminescent Gemini on the 27th. As we journey further into winter, the Gemini moon shines as a reminder that there is still light at the end of a dark, dank tunnel. Gemini is the sign of curiosity, communication, short distance travel, mental agility, and media.
New Moon in 20°Scorpio
November 13th 2023
The cosmic void in the sky opens up within the sign of scorpio this month and through the velvety darkness is a gem, ready to be plucked and claimed if we choose so. The power that we hold within ourselves is slowly being revealed with each step we take to face our fears because what is crystalizing in the future for us is too enticing to leave behind.
We are fucking around and finding out.
For some of us who are more cautious or careful, recognizing this gem will be no easy feat as with all dark shadows there lurks the things we’d rather not see. But this moon is more daring. It is stealthy, seductive, and deadly. The Scorpion lures out the things that want to hide and then captures it, holding it hostage in its loving claws. Right where it wants it.
In the midst of courageous Sagittarius energy lies the potency of the Scorpio. There is so much enthusiasm happening this month that details can get scattered and lost but a balanced Scorpio energy can reign it in, keeping the passion and excitement alive. There is a tendency to be more focused and thorough which can help alleviate some issues but on the opposite side of that is the tendency to be obsessive.
While this moon works well with dedication and getting things checked off your to-do list, do not underestimate where it can take you emotionally. Be mindful of anger or frustrations as this is a traditional Mars sign that we are dealing with within the watery placement of the moon. This position challenges us to transform what pisses us off into something bigger and more beneficial for where we are headed, instead of wasting it away by exploding. No, this doesn’t mean ignore what may be brewing inside of you- Scorpio would never tolerate that. But maybe save those punches for a pillow or punching bag and not someone’s face.
This moon has the potential to tear you apart and break you down in order to make you stronger. Turbulence can happen and the anxiety around what may be crumbling underneath, the pressure that others put on you or that you put on yourself, could rear its hideous head. There is a need to remember that there is no need for domination or competition with others. Be mindful of pushing too hard, overworking yourself or being overbearing to others.
Find time to nurture and replenish all of the energy you may be exerting at this time. When things begin to look as though they are overwhelming, use the potential that Scorpio has to transmute.
This energy is not afraid of depth and murkiness. It dances with dark silhouettes, sways and twirls with the demons we hold inside until they are overcome with love because when we accept our shortcomings, our panic or dread- we are that much closer to not just “beating” them but loving them and thus loving ourselves in our entirety.
And that’s the gem, the beauty within the chaos of it all.
Read your rising sign first, then your sun and moon to get a more developed idea of how this transit will affect you.
Aries Rising
This new moon is affecting your 8th House: You are shedding layers like a serpent. As you hurl down a dark hallway, there is a light at the end of the tunnel in view. A death and a rebirth in your relationships or your relationship to power in a multitude of ways. Search for positivity in your life even when it looks bleak. Strive for acceptance in the things you cannot control. If you choose to let the things that need to fall away do so, you can open many doors to worlds beyond the one you know.
Taurus Rising
This lunation is happening in your 7th House: A deepening of your close one on one connections are happening. Promises need to be kept. How you express your heart is evolving into something that hopefully makes you feel safe but is also extremely vulnerable. Healing emotional wounds around romantic, platonic, or business partnerships. Feeling very loyal to those around you but may be reevaluating why.
Gemini Rising
This moon is in your 6th House: The mind and body is active and there is a deep desire to purge what isn’t helping you feel your best and to start new routines around health and or a practice that may be getting stale. You are exerting a ton of energy in a lot of areas of life and need to recoup. HARD. But it could feel hard to slow down. There may be work done to understand your natural limitations.
Cancer Rising
This is happening within your 5th house: Sudden changes in your comfort levels with your self expression, love, and or creativity. There is a desire to achieve more artistic skill sets as well as to chase after love or affection from others which could come off as too aggressive or codependent. Try to relax into the new things you want to start and don’t put too much pressure on yourself or others. You will save time and effort.
Leo Rising
This will be happening in your 4th House: Strategizing plans around the home or family life. You want to work hard and fight to create the safe haven you deserve. You are learning new ways to feel more secure within yourself and close connections such as a mother or mother figure. There is a feeling of safety within smaller gatherings and may feel more introverted by this time even if you have obligations that require you to be in larger groups or in public.
Virgo Rising
This moon is occurring in your 3rd House: You may feel as if this super charged and even chaotic energy is helping to push you to reach goals. You are mastering new routines, forms of communication, and organization. Your world feels crisp. Researching will come easier to you at this time as you have more of a desire to put forth more focus. A decent time for communing friends or even strangers.
Libra Rising
This new moon is shifting things in your 2nd House: New developments in your finances or how you make money. Changing up how you view finances or what you value in life. Perhaps letting go of a lack mentality so that you can use your natural charms to accomplish material goals and get to the bag. This really might be all you can think about. Try not to let it consume you and let other important things fall to the wayside.
Scorpio Rising
This lunation is highlighting your 1st House: You are urged by the universe to be unapologetically you, especially if you feel the need to defend yourself. Even in first encounters, your energy is strong. You are either extremely confident or even abrasive but this helps you to weed out the weak. Make sure that you don’t burn bridges. Howl into the abyss and reawaken your spirit.
Sagittarius Rising
This moon is making changes in your 12th House: It is all or nothing. You are going big or going home. There could be huge transformations around mental, emotional, or spiritual health. Deep insights on how to heal not only yourself but your ancestral lineage. Wiping the dust off of what was forgotten long ago before you had the tools to help yourself. Now you get to use them and create the life you want to live.
Capricorn Rising
This scorpio new moon is shaking things up in your 11th House: May find it easy or a fun challenge to network and make new business connections. Groups of friends or people who think similar to you can get together to make some magic. Soothe ego trips. There is still much work to be done and remember to not take everything on, especially when it should be a collaborative effort.
Aquarius Rising
This moon will occur in your 10th House: Pushing yourself to reach your career goals and to make a lasting impression on employers or the public. You may feel either really on top of your game or feeling the need to prove yourself to your colleagues but really think about if it is necessary. Will it make a real difference if you exert all of that energy for something potentially petty? Or is it all for the win?
Pisces Rising
This new moon is activating your 9th House: You could be embarking on a new journey or travel, perhaps for educational reasons. There is an urge to make major changes within what you believe, your spirit, or religion. Dedicating yourself to a new way of living or a new spiritual pathway feels like a breath of fresh air and you are unafraid to incorporate your new beliefs or knowledge into your life as soon as possible which could be a shock to those around you.
Full Moon in 4°Gemini
November 27th 2023
This energy is engaging, explorative, and spritely. A butterfly that floats on, gathering nectar from each interaction whether a person, place, or thing. It absorbs. It loves an isolated fling where the exchange may be brief but never the after effects. An everlasting imprint from even the smallest relation.
This full moon wants to take us back to simpler times, where our biggest worries were our next adventure. The next destination where we would revel in play. It echoes Sagittarius’ energy being its opposite sign and also reminds us of fun. But this moon wants to hit a little closer to home and retract a bit from all the expansiveness that Sagittarius brings.
This is about the adventure found in our own backyards. The sanctuary found by nurturing our inner-child, finding the beauty in the wonders that surround us, and delighting in sharing our experiences with loved ones because we are not in this alone whether it is our pain or joy. If pleasures seem distant at this time, this moon reminds us to not consider them a distraction from “what should matter”. With the weight that some of us may feel we are carrying at this time, we deserve time to divert our attention to caring for ourselves through creativity and connection with those close to us.
We are learning that there are big things to gain from what seems insignificant or trivial. That we do not need to always look far and beyond in order to find the comfort and enjoyment that we seek. Sometimes the solution is blatant and it is only until you allow yourself to let go of control and the need for the answers to come in a specific way that they rush in.
At this time, we yearn for the freedom found in flow. Flowing with how we feel, flowing through new challenges, flowing with good drinks and good friends, flowing between two states- the mature and the child-like- until we reach stabilization. This is where we ironically find balance. We also find ourselves feeling mesmerized by our past lives, wanting to repossess what we only believe has left us long ago but the soul does not forget.
And if we choose to put life back into what gave us bliss, we could easily conjure how we felt before. We can create rituals that center our joy instead of trying so hard to reach for it as if it is not already there. We can reconnect to our first loves and to the root of what keeps us happy, grounded, yet fluttering.
Still buzzing with life after being thrashed around by it.
Read your rising sign first, then your sun and moon to get a more developed idea of how this transit will affect you.
Aries Rising
This full moon is affecting your 3rd House: A restructuring of friendships or close connections, maybe even family. Fun and solace is found within interests or hobbies from the past. Hunting down information is how you unwind. Communicating emotions through poetry and wine. Words fall out of your mouth and answers find you with ease. Maybe even too easy.
Taurus Rising
This Gemini moon is affecting your 2nd House: Shifts in the way the money comes in which could be for better or worse but regardless there is a need to make sure it doesn’t consume your thoughts becomes important. Finding “richness” in both your inner and outer world. Desiring comforting and grounding foods and connections. Focusing on pursuing things and people with genuine interest and authenticity.
Gemini Rising
This lunation is in your 1st House: Rising to the occasion and focusing on what you need at this time. Checking in with your emotional state and becoming more honest with what you’ve been feeling. Letting go of past hang ups, especially if you’ve ever felt as if you were too much or not enough. Trying out a new style or revisiting something kind of wild (whether because of how it actually looks or because you said you’d never do it again) but fulfilling for you.
Cancer Rising
This moon is shining a light in your 12th house: Needing to release blockages around needing to control and letting some problems sort themselves out. Nurturing your mind, body, and soul with things that soothe you. Dreams become stronger and reveal what may be exiting your life. Tapping deeper into your subconscious and depths with enthusiasm.
Leo Rising
The full moon will be happening in your 11th House: Wanting to connect deeper with your community and what you can offer it. Discovering new, exciting, and creative ways to problem solve. Letting your generosity shine and loving how selflessness feels. Making strides in feeling closer to your destiny or your path through recognizing what needs transformation and allowing yourself to do so, even if it feels different initially.
Virgo Rising
This full moon is happening in your 10th House: There could be shifts in public image or career. Needing to dig deep to find what will feel balanced and or bring joy into life at this time. Recognizing that time is infinite and that there are no limits to what we can achieve. Refraining from putting a timeline on success and remembering that legacy can also be found beyond power but also within connections and the stories left behind.
Libra Rising
This moon is shifting things in your 9th House: Traveling to visit places that help you find peace. Exploring the things that may strike fear in you but help you learn a new hobby or skill. Become more of a student of life. Changes or endings in a belief or system in exchange for a fresher, more resonate one. Connecting with extended family members in a more profound way.
Scorpio Rising
This full moon will be highlighted in your 8th House: Transformations around sensuality or sexual connections will be forced to the limelight. May feel the need to reserve sexual or creative energy for oneself or express it vehemently (be safe sweetie!) Could be more drawn to the occult or the taboo during this time. Also could be experiencing strange coincidences or bursts of energy.
Sagittarius Rising
This lunation is making changes in your 7th House: Rapid shifts in attitudes around relationships regardless of their nature. Stronger desire to switch up the aesthetic of your home or office. Drawn to art like a moth to a flame and have increased instincts around projects or how plans will fall into place, especially if working with other people. Could be feeling more daring and impulsive than usual.
Capricorn Rising
This moon is shaking things up in your 6th House: Paying attention to what makes you feel good and grounded in your body specifically. Becoming more active and wanting to create routines that fit the new lifestyle you are trying to achieve. Going in for necessary health check ups. Honoring your energy and knowing when it’s time for business and when it’s time for play. Refining your calendar and scheduling in time to relax. Keeping a clean and clear space can help the mind.
Aquarius Rising
The full moon will occur in your 5th House: Goofing off and having fun with close loved ones. Making time to create and delve into your art. Learn a new creative skill, step into the limelight and feel comfortable doing so. Connecting with children or people younger than you and learning from them and vice versa. Finding amusement in everything around you. Feeling immense gratitude for where you are in life currently.
Pisces Rising
This Gemini moon is activating your 4th House: The indoors and comforts of home call to you. In the mood for calming surroundings and are protective of your energy at this time. No lame shit allowed. Connecting deeper to your roots and familial or cultural history. Wanting to create new traditions within the family as well that feel more joyful or vibrant.