25 Faces of Fairness: Hannah Drake
Queer Kentucky’s limited print publication “25 Faces of Fairness” is available now on our website, in select stores, or available free to monthly supporters at any dollar amount. Not a Queer Kentucky monthly member? You can sign up here.
Hannah Drake she/her Louisville
What do you think is next for Kentucky in the fight for Equality?
As Beyonce said in her song American Requiem “Nothing really ends. For things to stay the same they have to change again.” The fight for equality and fairness for LGBTQ+ people will not end because the discrimination will just shape shift to something else. I do not believe that LGBTQ+ people can ever grow complacent because hatred never takes a day off it will also think about what it can morph into and look new but it is the same old hate. I also believe it is a MUST that if you are LGBTQ+ do not wait until the bell tolls for you specifically. Wherever you see injustice it is also your fight because hate and discrimination does not ever stop with one group of people. It will soon be knocking at your door. If you see Black people fighting for justice, stand up! If you see women fight for women’s rights, stand up! If you see injustice, stand up! Only by standing together do we empower ourselves and the next generation.
What are Kentucky’s greatest strengths when it comes to the fight for Queer equality?
The People are the biggest strength and asset of the LGBTQ+ community. The People are the ones who will demand equality, fairness and justice. The People are the ones that will carry the message, that will march in the streets, that will stand up and say this is wrong. The People are the ones that will require this state to change. We are only as strong as The People.