Horoscopes: StarGazing with Tigresse Bleu
March 10th: Mercury enters Aries + New Moon in Pisces 20°
March 11th: Venus enters Pisces
March 20th: Sun enters Aries (Spring Equinox)
March 22nd: Mars enters Pisces
March 25th: Full Moon in Libra 5°
Our energy could feel more buzzy and uplifted as we shift into March, the ~energetic~ new year motivating us with its candied but daring concoction. It’s time to work hard and play even harder as this month pushes us to stir the inner fire within in order to expand and extend out towards our desires. As well as urging us to become acquainted with deeper and honest emotion.
On the 10th, we’ll be experiencing both Mercury transitioning into Aries and the new moon in Pisces.
Mercury in Aries is a sure shooter. Sharp and direct. In and out of thoughts like a rocket ship to another planet, this placement may not say much but there is so much happening inside. That is perhaps what I find the most curious about this cardinal fire sign within an airy energy like Mercury. It creates a snappy effect. Fast ideation, racing thoughts, and immediate action, Mercury in Aries is about timing and there could never be enough time in a day for the level of creation this placement is capable of.
The wit and jokes come easily. Arguing or debating for the sake of generating a lively atmosphere is almost intoxicating. Things and people are animated, more so through the body as communication comes through best in its most basic and simple level but this energy can have a knack with words or even lyricism. Creative flow becomes important since it can be brief and fleeting. This placement likes to pounce. Screw the scheduling and the planning ahead- we need it now which can make impulsiveness feel like a superpower.
The new moon in 20° Pisces is powerful. It has the potential to infuse the already crackling and passionate energy with a sense of comfort and an abundance of buoyancy. This energy helps us to recognize our gifts, what we bring to the table and how we want to share them.
Pisces at its best is a helper. A giver. A lover of any and everyone, especially those who are caught in the in-between, less fortunate, the outcasted, and downtrodden. If Pisces could, it would welcome the entire universe into its heart, beating and pumping like a soothing drum for those who have forgotten what it is like to be truly cared for.
And at its worst…well, we all know a Pisces, no?
Jokes aside, this is a wonderful time to manifest around feeling comfortable with our natural talents and offerings to the world. We can further connect to our creativity on a soul level. To the things we feel deep within our vessel and to the bone.
We may feel more inclined to “romanticize our lives” in order to live out the fantasies in our heads and the desire to fill the corners of our lives with beauty. We feel that we can transcend our present circumstances, reach for the stars, and do it with the company of those who truly and genuinely support and nourish us.
The very next day sees us being blessed by the exalted placement of Venus in Pisces.
So what does this mean?
It could mean a delicious candlelit dinner seaside on a balmy night. A handwritten poem placed on top of the pillow next to you as you wake to remind you of how brilliant you are. A rose petal laden bath accompanied by a sweet serenade. An entire constellation in the sky dedicated to you because in the heart of a Pisces, you are the only sky they crave to be under. Do you get it? Venus is Pisces is the pinnacle of romance.
Devotion is church and doting is its gospel.
But as hard as they can love and as fast as they are ready to deliver on promises, they do have the capability to go slow if that is what the object of their desire needs. Pisces is a shapeshifter, becoming who or what they feel they need to be to whoever at the time. This can sometimes cause confusion, a lack of boundaries or identity, and falling prey (or become the predator) to manipulation.
But what is precious about Pisces is the delicate dance they do. They move so effortlessly, like a ballerina and are able to pirouette into anyone’s heart. They can pour into connections or partnerships with grace and have a magical ability to open anyone’s eyes up to possibility and reverie.
No matter how far-fetched or seemingly impossible the relationship, Venus in Pisces can make even the most hardened and jaded of people become lovers again.
Art and creativity is handled with grace as well. It too has a flow similar to Aries but softer. There is no need to force or push. We can easily release and drift in and out of creative consciousness without punishment or guilt, letting the waves come as they please. And while it is most likely that it will come easier than it normally would, this transit prefers to treat it as a moment of holiness. A religious act or message directly from the heavens that was bestowed.
Another exalted placement, the sun will shine high and bright in the fire sign of Aries on the 20th.
This is about life. The lush birth state after the starkness of the death cycle we’ve just exited. Headstrong and persistent, Aries doesn’t know how to turn it down or reduce. Its energy is too bold. It thrives out and in the open, in the spotlight or sunshine. Yes, this placement has the capability to be reserved but there’s an intrinsic light they emanate anyway.
Aries cannot help but sparkle.
The confidence underneath this sign is unmistakable. A true diamond, we are feeling and understanding just how valuable we are at this time. We relish in our inner divinity and don’t mind to flicker and twinkle, attracting people and prospects to us. Even if it is for a season, we indulge in the adventure of learning something new about ourselves or pursuing a skill.
There is an innocence or naiveté present within this placement as well. Quick to move on or jump into situations like a child can be refreshing or regrettable. The optimism and sometimes delusion rivals Pisces at times but Aries really doesn’t care. It is too sure and trusting of itself to slow down. How else would anything get done if we didn’t have hope and desire?
Here is where we take risks, bet on ourselves, and play the game knowing that we will win. As long as we keep trying, the spark and the vision of a verdant future keeping us alive.
Mars enters Pisces on the 22nd and our more compassionate, affectionate, and passive nature exposes itself.
Our expression within this placement is smooth. A thief in the night, it can sneak away towards victory without a peep or trace. This mutable water sign within the blazing energy of Mars makes for something smoky. An all encompassing and misty rendezvous that leaves you lost. This placement is mirage. Here and then over there, way beyond what you even thought or imagined it may be capable of. Ever evolving. Always surprising.
This is an energy that bleeds secrecy out, leaving it out to dry. It’s honest but it doesn’t feel the need to yell it from the rooftops. It prefers to move in silence, proving through action and faith.
Mars in Pisces isn’t passive because it is weak but because it rather treats its issues and battles with a flick of the wrist. Nothing small seems to distract them from the bigger goal or objective. It knows how to pivot. It knows what it stands for and what is the right and just thing to do. It has no qualms about coming from behind or attacking the underbelly either or the complete opposite- showing its strength straight in your face when you least expect it.
It is a softer and shadowy aggression, a leisurely Mars. Ready to grasp forward and take dreams in hand and with a sense of already knowing. It doesn’t hesitate, it waits. A shark.
Patient and in gratitude.
Pure, unadulterated truth in its most glamorous and grotesque form comes as the full moon illuminates within the sign of Libra on the 25th.
It is the worst math equation. A spelling bee or an exhausting speech, this full moon in Libra doesn’t let things slide so easily, even if addressed with elegance. It politely tells you to f*ck off. That you are a mess and need to get it together.
This transit is able to mold, cut down, and beautify until it is a vision that is irresistible or hard to deny. Libra is persuasive. It will coo to the universe what it needs and the universe will gladly listen…as long as you ask nicely enough.
We may be wrapped in thoughts of what is fair and what may rightfully “belong to us”. The weight of what “we are owed” weighs heavy and we could choose during this time to either lock into the past or unload, releasing the burden. We are seeking out new versions of partnerships, friendships, and connections. Ones that fulfill the life we’ve purposely designed for ourselves.
As potentially selfish and snooty as it can come off, this energy has its necessity. It is vain. It is a moon that sticks up for itself. It plans and makes an effort to pursue its wildest ambitions and knows its worth.
Through the reflection of others and the things we choose to surround ourselves with, we can get a clearer perspective of where we presently are. It can teach us how we can be simultaneously proud of the growth we have achieved but also have aspirations for something well-rounded. Something better.